Our Plant Glossary

Welcome to our plant glossary! Click on one of the plant names to the left to read a description about and to see a picture of each plant.
African Iris

Plant in full sun for best flowering; tolerates light shade. Drought tolerant. Can exist with moisture from seasonal rains; grows and flowers best with weekly watering during the hot dry times. Hardy; some leaf damage is noted after a severe freeze. Flowers the most March through May and produces occasional flowers throughout the year. Cluster in perennial beds and as foundation plantings, ground covers and borders for walkways.


Enjoys both full sun and part shade and is commonly called Lilies-of-the-Nile. Water African regularly in summer, but reduce watering during the winter dormant season. Well established plantings are fairly drought tolerant, but may not bloom if not given plenty of water during spring and summer. They are moderately frost tolerant.


These plants are succulent herbaceous perennials. Because they can take some cold weather, they are seen all over the State of Florida. These are bold accent plants seen in many shapes, sizes and colors. They handle hot dry weather with ease. Once established, little care is needed, however, they LOVE fertilizer and respond very well to feeding. Any well drained soil is fine, but a sandy mix is best

Apostle Iris

This large, tropical Iris is quite easy to grow. It will grow in partial sun to shade but filtered light is ideal. Moisture is average, and so is fertilization requirements. Can deal with freezing temperatures with little to no damage. The flowering season is long, from February to August with a very deep blue bloom.


Due to their wide sunlight tolerance, schefflera arboricolas are great shrubs for planting in partially shady areas or homes with limited sunlight. They grow in best in partial sun, but will tolerate full shade as well as partial or full sun. They tolerate temperatures ranging from 35 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit, these plants do best in air temperatures ranging from 65 to 90 degrees.


This is an eye-catching choice for shady areas of the garden. This particular cultivar, commonly known as Gold Dust, lights up the deepest shade with bright yellow flecks on glossy green leaves. It will grow in partial shade; if it gets too much sunlight, the leaves will turn black.


They must have acidic soil with lots of organic matter. They are shallow rooted so they should be mulched heavily with leaves or pine needles. Most Azaleas don’t need any pruning, but if you do prune, do so immediately after flowering, as they set new buds for the next season soon after they bloom. They do fine in full sun to deep shade, depending on species and cultivar. The majority of Azaleas do very well in partial shade. Azaleas need a moist soil. They are not tolerant of drought. They do best when rainfall is plentiful and winter temperatures are not too low.

Aztec Grass

Is a border grass similar to Liriope. It can take sun or shade, very low maintenance and doesn’t require lots of watering. As far as tolerance it can deal with freezing temperatures for a short time. It may experience tip burn in cooler weather, but it is easily snipped off.

Bird of Paradise

This plant derives its name from the unique flower it bears, which resembles a brightly colored bird. Bird-of-paradise makes an attractive landscape plant throughout Florida. The plant will tolerate temperatures as low as 24°F for a short time; however, freezing temperatures will damage developing flower buds and flowers.

Bismarck Palm

It grows a single trunk that is smooth on mature specimens but young individuals retain old leaf bases. This palm may reach an ultimate height of 50-60 ft with a spread of 20 ft. This palm is adaptable to many kinds of soil. Prefers full sun but is tolerant of some shade. Once established this palm is drought tolerant. Bismarck palm can be occasionally damaged by freezing temperatures from which it can recover in a season. Because of its huge ultimate size and mass, the Bismarck palm is not recommended for small yards as it dominates its space, dwarfing and obscuring adjacent structures. This palm is best planted where it can serve as a focal point.

Blue Daze

Grows well in full sun in poor sandy soils that are well drained. Needs a well drained soil, but also frequent watering. It cannot tolerate wet soils at all, and very rainy periods or overwatering will cause fungus problems and lead to premature death. Blooms throughout any month that isn’t cold. maintains a low mounding shape. This plant can tolerate mild frost damage.


Has become a popular plant in Florida because it is drought tolerant, grows well in poor soils, and blooms repeatedly with cheerful flowers that are yellow or orange, depending on the variety. They are hardy to temperatures in the low 20s.

Bush Daisy

This plant is ideal for mass plantings, mixed flower borders, and as a container plant. Bright yellow flowers appear in great numbers throughout the season and are quite striking against the delicate, dark green foliage. This perennial is relatively drought-tolerant, but will produce more flowers with regular watering. It dies to the ground in winter when temperatures dip to about 20ºF, but re-emerges in spring.


Should be planted in well drained, humus rich soil with a slightly acid pH. Work some partially rotted leaves into regular garden soil. Do not add lime. Prefer partial to full shade. Need lots of water during their growing season. Water them 2 or 3 times a week. They do poorly in dry climates. Very cold sensitive.

Canary Date Palm

This palm is very slow growing when young. Once the trunk reaches it’s full diameter the growth rate increases. Fertilize in spring and summer. It is tolerant of most well drained soils. Keep lawn grasses and mulch away from trunk. Young plants are very susceptible to leaf spot and other fungus infections when grown in humid climates. Likes a bright, sunny situation. Adult specimens are drought resistant. Water young plants for healthy look and fastest growth. Frost tolerant. Can survive 28 F without cold damage. If you want to make a dramatic statement use this huge imposing palm wherever there is space to accommodate it.

Cardboard Palm

Plant in neutral, well drained sandy soil. Mulch with organic materials. Does best in bright sun to partial shade. Water when dry. Drought tolerant. Sustains leaf damage at 28ºF.

Chinese Fan Palm

This plant isn’t particular about soil. Fertilize twice a year in spring and summer with a good quality slow release fertilizer that contains micro-nutrients. Likes direct sun and bright situations. Young plants look better when grown in part shade. This palm forms a long tap root and can survive extended periods of drought. Provide adequate moisture for more rapid growth. This palm is easy to grow medium-sized cold-hardy that works well in many situations.


This is a rugged but subtle accent plant that boasts a deep green color and unique form. Although a slow grower, coontie is very tough, drought resistant and easy to maintain. Although they can be grown in full sun they seem to prefer some shade. These plants have very few disease or insect problems although scale can be an issue if left untreated. They should survive a minimum winter temperature of 15°F.

Copernicia Palm

Is a rare palm tree that likes warm tropical weather and can tolerate cold temperatures down to 25F. Grows best in full sun with moist but well drained soil. It is a tough palm that can adapt to variety of different soil conditions and also tolerate drought. Can slowly grow up to 10 – 30 ft tall and 5 – 10 ft wide.

Crape Myrtle

Likes moist soil, where it will grow exceedingly fast, but it tolerates dry conditions once established. It has been standard practice to cut trees back to large branches or even the trunk in winter. This distorts the appearance of the tree tremendously. Such massacre results in thin, arching stems and completely destroys the architectural beauty of the free growing crape myrtle. Pruning is recommended only to remove overly dense branches and crossing limbs. Cutting off old flower heads in summer can promote a second and third round of flowering, though. Over fertilizing creates abundant foliage at the expense of blooms. Crape myrtles are a magnet for aphids, upon whose excrement sooty mold grows. This can give the leaves a gray, sooty coating that is not harmful, but is unsightly. Control aphids with a soapy water solution. Prefers bright sunlight. In general, trees are extremely vigorous and hardy. Leaves yellow then fall off in early winter and return in the spring.

Crinum Lilly

Well-suited to hot, dry locations, Crinums should have plenty of growing room in full or partial sun on well-drained soils, and are moderately salt-tolerant. Crinums recover quickly from killing frosts.


It’s quite a challenge to keep these beautiful foliage plants healthy. They need to be kept warm and humid. Does best in partial shade, but at a minimum should be shaded from direct summer sun. Requires moist, humus-rich, but well-drained soil. Water and fertilize weekly during the growing season. Water moderately during the winter, and never let the soil dry out. They do best at temperatures between 60 and 85 degrees F. and will die if subjected to freezing temperatures for very long.

Dioon Edule

Is probably the most cold-hardy of all the Cycads and easiest to grow. I have never seen this species with insect problems, and it is very tolerant of a variety of soil conditions. They prefer to be grown in full sun, but can tolerate some shade.

Dracaena Marginata

This plant will grow accustomed to virtually any light environment in which it is placed. However, for best performance, place it in bright but indirect light. It’s tolerant of most soil types and is quite resistant to drought. However, it welcomes a weekly watering as long as its soil drains quickly. Sensitive to temperatures below 37° F. Leaves and canes will get damaged in frost and freezing temperatures.

Drift Rose

This is a type of rose that is very hardy for our climate and basically maintenance free. It grows only about 20 inches high and spreads out about three feet. There are a lot of choices in colors. This rose is very drought tolerant and therefore should have well-drained soil. It is ideal for sunny garden beds. The best part is that it is a continual bloomer! The best time to do a major pruning of your roses is in the middle of February. Any frost that occurs during this time until spring will not hurt roses. Selective pruning should also be performed all year to remove spent blooms and stems that dieback, break or start turning yellow.


This plant is easy to grow and requires little care. It tends to sprawl and will need regular thinning and pruning to keep it under control. Does best in full sun. Tolerates partial shade. Needs regular watering is only moderately drought tolerant. It dies to ground after hard freezes but resprouts in spring. It typically recovers quickly enough to bloom, but probably not set berries, by the following season’s first frost.


Is native to central and southern Florida. Does best in full sun but quite well in partial shade. It becomes leggy in shade. Once established, firebush is drought tolerant, but it does best with frequent watering as long as the soil has excellent drainage. It dies to the ground in winter and sprouts back in spring.

Firecracker Plant

Grow in a humus rich, well drained soil and fertilize regularly. Does well in full sun or partial shade. Water regularly and don’t let the soil dry out. Can deal with cooler temperatures for short periods.

Flax Lilly Variegated

Tolerates full sun but grows best in filtered-sun. Drought tolerant; grows best with weekly waterings during the hot, dry weather. Outer leaf portions might be damaged by severe freezes but can be pruned when growth resumes in early spring. Remove cold-damaged foliage in late February. Prune declining leaves and flower stems as needed throughout the growing season.

Ginger Variegated (Shell)

This plant is tolerant of a wide range of light conditions from light shade to full sun, so long as there is adequate moisture. Part shade is ideal for this plant and can tolerate winter temperatures down to 20F.

Hawaiian Ti

Does well in partial shade to nearly full sun. It needs more water if grown in full sun. It will survive in quite low light, the foliage will never develop its full potential colors. In summer, do not allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Ti needs very humid air to keep the leaf tips from drying out and turning brown. Fluoride in the water will also cause the leaf tips to brown. Ti will look dead after colder temperatures, in early spring cut off entire plant about 2 inches from ground at it will usually grow back.


Likes moderately fertile, well drained, and slightly acidic soil is ideal. Regular pruning is necessary in most cases to shape and control the size of the bush, and to remove unwanted stems. They like full sun or partial shade from very high trees. Hibiscus produces large, extremely showy flowers almost all year! Anyone interested in attracting hummingbirds should have at least one. Many types of butterflies are attracted as well. Hibiscus dies to the ground in winter, but regains it’s full height in a single growing season.

Ilex Schiling

Also known as Dwarf Holly, this compact, low growing and naturally mounding shrub is an excellent choice for low, formal hedges or foundation plantings. Slow to moderate rate of growth. Full sun to light shade, not fussy about soil composition. Heat tolerant, cold tolerant and drought tolerant once established. When pruning, care should be taken to keep the lower branches slightly longer than the upper ones to help prevent the lower ones from being shaded out by the uppers.


They are the most popular annual bedding in Florida. Its popularity is undoubtedly due to its preference for shady conditions, ease of production and continual cool season floral display in a variety of colors. They are easy to grow if provided with proper soil conditions, water, and protection from full sun. They favor cool temperatures and quickly melt out in our tropical Florida summers. They thrive in filtered or partial shade and will only tolerate sunny conditions if given adequate water and a humid climate. Impatiens are great to brighten spots that you thought were too shady for flowers. They are very cold sensitive but usually come back in early spring.

Indian Hawthorne

This small to medium shrub is grown throughout Florida. It is well adapted to our area because of its cold and salt tolerance that are combined with its attractive evergreen foliage and low maintenance requirements. They do well in shade or sun.


Is moderately salt tolerant, but not at all tolerant of alkaline soils, which will cause the leaves to become chlorotic (yellowish). Don’t plant iwhere it will get runoff from concrete or stucco. Do plant in acidic soil, feed with a high nitrogen fertilizer and mulch well. They do well in partial shade in the warmest areas. It does best, however, with full sun most of the day, but some shade during the hottest hours. Plants in more sun will be denser and more compact, and produce more flowers. Ixora likes high humidity and a moist, well drained soil that is high in organics. During warm weather they should be watered regularly. Water sparingly in winter. If temperatures dip into the thirties F, leaves and small twigs will be damaged. Light freezes may kill the plant to the ground, but it usually sprouts back in spring.

Jasmine Minima

Has been grown as a ground cover in Florida landscapes for decades. It’s not a grass, but a multi-stem, vine-like woody plant. It’s a true ground cover, and it eventually blankets the ground forming a thick mat. It has few pest or disease problems, and rarely, if ever, requires pesticides. It will perform best with minimal water and fertilization inputs. Once established, It requires no irrigation with normal rainfall. It does not have to be mowed, although it is highly recommended that it be trimmed back once a year as new growth begins to occur in late winter. It should be mowed at the highest mower setting, preferably 3 to 4 inches. It’s very tolerant of Round Up herbicide applications. It can be sprayed with a low rate (1 oz per gallon) to kill any weeds and not be damaged, although once plants are established, weeds are rarely a problem. Does best in shade to partial shade but can be planted in full sun. This plant is cold tolerant.


Evergreen shrub or small tree with glossy leaves and clusters of star shaped bright red flowers. They’re tolerant of a wide variety of soils so long as they are well drained. They can be pruned at any time of the year. Handles pruning well and can be kept to shrub size. Full sun to partial shade. Drought tolerant. May be killed to the ground by temperatures less than 30ºF (will grow back). It attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

Knock Out Rose

They’re the hottest plants to hit the market in years. People love these colorful shrub roses because they bloom profusely with minimal care. They can be grown throughout Florida and will bloom practically year round in most of the state. They are drought tolerant, self cleaning, and resistant to black spot and powdery mildew. Since they require little maintenance, they are ideal for people who enjoy roses but who aren’t interested in the upkeep. These roses are winter hardy and also have good heat and humidity tolerance.

Knock Out Rose Standard

Does everything the Knockout Rose does but showier. Plant in containers or directly in the ground. Creates a stunning entryway, pool accent or garden focal point.

Lady Palm

Grow in shade to part shade for best leaf color. Plants grown in direct sun tend to fade to yellow green and tip burn in hot weather if not provided adequate moisture. They are adaptable to most soils. Maintain adequate moisture for best appearance. This palm can survive periods of drought once established. They can survive temperatures down to mid twenties without damage. Lower temperatures will kill stems but plant usually comes back.


Known for their clusters of small, bright-colored flowers. The flowers may be yellow, orange, white, red and purple, and often colors are mixed within the same cluster. This plant is salt-tolerant and drought-tolerant once established. Grow in full sun. These flowers want well-drained ground but will tolerate poor soils. It will die back in the winter and grow back in spring and blooms in summer and fall.

Ligustrum Tree

Is usually seen at 6-12 ft in height but is capable of reaching 20 ft or more. Extremely tolerant of a wide variety of soil conditions, ligustrum is a strong, sturdy plant requiring little care other than regular pruning to maintain desired shape and size. It will grow in sun or part shade. In shade and when planted too close or in conditions that limit air circulation, whitefly and sooty mold can become problematical. Once established, they prefer wet to dry, but not soggy. Cold Hardy to 22 degrees.


Grown primarily as a low maintenance ground cover. It is best when used in large sweeping masses rather than spotty, individual clumps. Produces dense spikes of vivid violet-blue flowers in early fall to late fall. Both drought and shade tolerant, this versitile plant can grow in full sun or moist sites just as easily. It does however, prefer acid soil. Excellent on slopes or at the base of trees where roots will not permit grass to grow. To maintain an attractive appearance, cut back tops each February before new growth begins. This plant is cold tolerant.


Grows well in gritty, acidic soil with good drainage but very adaptable to less than ideal conditions. Has few pests and requires no pruning except to maintain desired size. Benefits from fertilizing 2 or 3 times a year. Prefers partial shade. Shifting or high shade is best. Can deal with freezing temperatures.

Loropetalum Tree

Can be grown as a flowering shrub or a flowering tree, depending on the available room and how you prune it. It has greyish-green leaves and pink blooms in the spring that resemble a piece of fringe. If left to grow, it can reach 12 ft. with an 8 ft. wide span. This plant prefers either full or partial sun. In Florida, with our intense summer suns, it’s better to give it some shade. This is a great ornamental tree that can deal with the Florida heat but is cold tolerant as well. — in Tampa, Florida.


They come in all shapes and sizes. Prefer full sun to partial shade. Most magnolias are extremely drought tolerant. They do best, in rich, well-drained, acidic soils. Primarily a warm-weather tree but also can withstand the occasional cold weather spells.

Mammey Croton

It’s quite a challenge to keep these beautiful foliage plants healthy. They need to be kept warm and humid. Does well in bright light or partial shade, but should be shaded from direct summer sun. Require moist, humus-rich, but well-drained soil. Water and fertilize weekly during the growing season. Water moderately during the winter, and never let the soil dry out. Do best at temperatures between 60 and 85 degrees F. and will die if temperatures stay below about 46ºF for very long.

Mexican Heather

Prune lightly in spring if the plant becomes scraggly. Prefers well drained fertile soil so provide a good slow release fertilizer in late winter, spring and summer for best flowering. Foliage color is prettiest when grown in broken shade. Heather can take full sun but the plant loses its rich green color. Needs regular watering to look good, but can be rather durable, surviving short periods of drought. This is a tender tropical shrub and it will be killed to the ground by freezing temperature. Healthy plants usually recover but flowering is deferred until late summer and lasts until the first hard freeze.

Mexican Petunia

This is an easy to grow plant with strikingly colored flowers. It blooms enthusiastically throughout the hottest time of the year. It is very Florida Friendly as it grows in wet or dry sites without irrigation, requires no fertilizer, has no pest problems and it attracts butterflies. Plant can be damaged by freezes but recovers quickly.

Mexican Sunflower

They need full sun. Does best in hot, dry climates and well drained soils, it still needs plenty of water. Light frosts and freezes will kill plant to the ground, but if the damage isn’t too bad, they come back in spring. This plant easily reaches up to 16 ft tall and more than 12 ft across, this sunflower makes a commanding statement.

Mondo Grass

Is relatively hardy. According to the University of Florida, it can even stand up to people walking on it to some extent, which makes it useful for decorative lawns. Mondo grass resists drought and plant diseases. Very strong sunlight may harm mondo grass, so some shade covering from tree leaves or other objects is helpful. Shade affects the coloration of mondo grass; its leaves will have darker green coloration if grown in an area with less sunlight. Mondo grass also requires good soil drainage. It can withstand a temperatures of 0 degrees. This evergreen grass sometimes has brown and ragged leaf blades in the winter so in late February early March trim back any damaged area.

Mother In Laws Tongue, Snake Plant

To bad all plants aren’t as tough as this. This plant just won’t die. They survive in extremely low light levels. They don’t need a lot of water and fertilization seems optional. In very cold winters it will suffer some leaf damage. Just remove the “fried” leaves in the spring and you won’t even be able to tell there was a frost. This plant will grow in any type of soil and is not picky about its food or water. Too much sun gives it a bleached out look, so keep it in the shade.

Oak Leaf Holly

A red hybrid holly with a tall, elegant, pyramidal form. The foliage is emerald green and is charmingly similar in shape to oak leaves. This cold hardy variety is stunning as a tall hedge or specimen. Evergreen.


A red hybrid holly with a tall, elegant, pyramidal form. The foliage is emerald green and is charmingly similar in shape to oak leaves. This cold hardy variety is stunning as a tall hedge or specimen.

Oyster Plant

is ideal for use as a quick-growing groundcover, thriving in full sun to deep shade. Well-drained soils are a necessity since plant is susceptible to a variety of leaf and especially root problems if over-watered. It is extremely drought tolerant. Oyster plant is definitely a tropical plant, but it may survive a light freeze if covered. Once winter is over it grows back and fills in quickly.

Peace Lilly

This plant requires a well-drained fertile soil, rich in organic matter such as compost. Light requirements vary from deep to partial shade but never placed under direct sunlight. Evapotranspiration is heavy and plants must be watered regularly, the leaves should also be water-sprayed regularly to keep the plants healthy. Water the plant several times a week during summer but less so during the winter. The plants have a dormant season in winter and can better tolerate dryness. Usually recover well from freeze damage but may delay blooming the following season.


Dark green, lance-shaped, somewhat furry and deeply veined leaves provide a lush backdrop for prolific clusters of never-ending, five-petaled flowers. These may be red, white, lavender, purple, or shades of pink. Extremely attractive to butterflies, and delight hummingbirds. Depending on the variety, the habit of growth may be upright to about 3′, or low and mounding. Full sized pentas are often sprawling, as tall stems will topple over. The flowers are held in terminal clusters and self-deadhead. In warm weather the plant grows fast and stays in bloom constantly. Where winters are not too severe, pentas are perennial. They may always be treated as an annual and replanted after danger of frost for long-lasting summer color. Blooms better and is more robust in good sun, but will still bloom in shade and look good!

Perennial Peanut

Has recently shown promise as an ornamental groundcover due to its high resistance to drought, insects, and its minimal fertilizer needs. This translates into savings in water, energy, dollars, and reduced impacts to the environment. It is not only beneficial to the environment it’s also aesthetically pleasing. Grows best in full sun but will persist in partial shade with little or no mowing. In the Winter be prepared for perennial peanut to go dormant after the first frost.


They should be protected from frost or freeze, can reach a height of 12-15 feet with an equal or greater spread and has deeply cut, green to dark green leaves to 3 feet in length. Although this plant has a moderate drought tolerance and will take full sun, it prefers to be slightly moist and lightly shaded, it will grow in most soil types.

Pinwheel Jasmine

One of my most reliable bloomers is the pinwheel jasmine, which offers an almost continuous scattering of white pinwheel-like blooms through the year. Does well in full sun to partial shade. Will die back if temperature drops below freezing. Cut back in late February or early March. Will grow 4-5 ft tall in one season requires very little trimming.


This plant does best in light, sandy soils with good drainage. It should be pruned heavily to keep it neat and within bounds and to make it bushy to maximize the number of flowers. It does best in full sun. Flowering will be reduced in partial shade. It can withstand some frosts. Even if killed to the ground, it usually recovers quickly


Likes fertile, well drained soil. A faster growth rate can be achieved with regular feeding for the first few years. Use mulch to keep weeds from growing under shrubs. Plant in shade or sun. Good coastal plant; tolerates salt spray and withstands heat and cold.

Purple Queen

Rich sandy soils seem to suit it best. Grows most vigorously and has the richest color in full sun, but it will tolerate some shade. This is a good xeriscape plant. Although it prefers ample moisture, it does well in dry soil and can get by for a long time without rain. It also puts up with occasional overwatering. They can tolerate a touch of frost, but it appreciates a blanket on cold winter nights. It will usually come back from the roots after a moderate freeze.

Queen Palm

Is tolerant but prefers enriched sandy soils. Fertilize twice a year in spring and summer with a fertilizer that contains micronutrients, especially manganese. A deficiency of this micronutrient results in a condition called “frizzle top” which causes leaves to look frayed and torn. This condition can be corrected by spreading a 1 to 3 pounds of manganese sulphate beneath the palm (amount depends on the size of the tree) . Prefers full sun but will tolerate some shade. It will withstand some drought but keep watered for best looks and fastest growth. Cold damage appears at 25°F, the plant freezes and dies at about 20° F.

Red Ti

Does well in partial shade to nearly full sun. It needs more water if grown in full sun. Although it will survive in quite low light, the foliage will never develop its full potential colors. In summer, do not allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Ti needs very humid air to keep the leaf tips from drying out and turning brown. Very cold sensitive. Trim damaged areas in early spring.

Roebelenii Palm

They are very adaptable to most soils. Do best in bright sun to partial shade. Needs adequate moisture for best look. Has some drought tolerance when mature. May be cold damaged at temperatures below 30ºF.

Rubber Tree Plant

They may drop leaves if environment changes occur. They are very sensitive to changes in temperature and are also to wet or cold feet. Grow well at temperatures between 55 degrees to 80 degrees and can tolerate 40 degrees without damage.

Sabal Palm

Tolerates drought and adapts to a wide variety of soils including those that are neutral, acidic, clayey, wet and slightly alkaline. Thrives in a humid atmosphere in rich loamy, moist and well-drained soils. Texas palms are traditionally slow growers, however regular fertilization with palm grade fertilizer promotes maximum growth. Potassium nutritional deficiencies can develop on older leaves and may show up as translucent yellow or orange necrotic spotting. Mineral supplements should be administered in appropriate recommended amounts to prevent or treat such deficiencies. Thrives in partial shade, partial sun or full sun. Is drought resistant when established, but grows faster and looks better when given adequate moisture. Tolerates moist, wet locations and occasional flooding. Mature and established palms can tolerate occasional temperatures down to 12ºF with minor or no leaf damage.

Sago King Palm

Plant in sandy, fast draining soil, preferably with some organic matter. Also recommended is a light mulch of bark or leaf mold. Plants appreciate light feedings of balanced, slow release fertilizer granules or diluted liquid fertilizers. Strong fertilizers, fresh manure and the like are best avoided as they can damage the sago’s coralloid roots (specialized structures that host blue-green algae that fix nitrogen from the air and make it available to the plant). Prefers bright conditions including full sun. Can also handle full shade with no ill effect (its leaves grown larger in the shade). Here in Florida it seems to be less susceptible to leaf spot disease when grown in semishaded conditions where it is more protected from environmental extremes. Needs good drainage or it will rot. Sago is drought resistant when mature. Provide adequate moisture for good growth. Sago is commonly used in north Florida and can survive temperatures as low as 13°F. Sago’s are susceptible to Asiatic Scale which is difficult if not impossible to get rid of.

Society Garlic

Is easy to grow in light, sandy soils. Does best in full sun. Plants will grow well in shade, but may not flower much. Water society garlic frequently during the growing season, less frequently during flowering, and reduce watering during the winter resting period to just enough to keep the rootball from completely drying out. At any stage, established plants can survive extended droughts if they have to. Tolerates moderate frosts and light freezes down to 20º F or so.

Sylvester Palm

Is a cold hardy palm that can tolerate cold down to 15F. Does well in full sun to Partial shade. Can withstand a drought for a short period of time. Grows best in moist but well drained soil. The only thing this palm requires is some trimming to avoid “skirt” of old dead leaves. To prevent nutritional deficiency, apply good quality palm fertilizer that has continues release formula twice a year during growing season.

Texas Sage

Is a tough plant. Choose sunny sites for best growth and flowering. It is very successful in Florida’s summer heat and will bloom almost continuously. Most problems occur from overirrigation, wet summers and poorly drained soil, which lead to root rot and plant death. Will tolerate to about 12 degrees for a few hours. Extremely heat tolerant.


A small evergreen tropical shrub that grows to a maximum height of about 6 ft. smothers itself in beautiful yellow blossoms in late summer and fall. Occasionally remove “leggy” stems to keep the plant from looking scraggly. Bright sunlight is prefered. Plants grow more scraggly in shady area and trimming may be required for neatness. Likes well drained soils. Thryallis is drought resistant and does well in dry sandy soils. Can take some frost and freezing. May be killed to the ground by temperatures less than 30ºF.


Be sure to pick a shady location. Too much sun will cause the leaves to sunburn, resulting in unsightly brown splotches. Give ‘Triostar’ the high humidity it craves. Be sure to water regularly, though try to allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Very cold sensitive hopefully, the rhizomes will be able to tough out our winters even if the tops wither and die.


Needs to be watered regularly in summertime and should be reduced in winter. For best growth, plant in light shade to partial sun. It is a low maintenance plant being tolerant of a variety of climates as well as being pest resistant. Can deal with below freezing temperatures with little damage.

Yucca Spineless

Grows easily in full sun or partial shade on any well-drained soil. Grows fairly rapidly but usually stays under 20 feet in height, and is ideal for use in succulent gardens. Spineless Yucca can be used in close range of people since it lacks the formidable, terminal spine and has harmless leaves. Can deal with below freezing temperatures with little to no damage.

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